This is the one time of year I will be sentimental, so soak it up to last for the next 365 days! I really do love Thanksgiving and for the past 5 years I have had to work and have not been able to spend it with my family, and while my parents will be in Colorado, I will be able to spend it with my sister and some extended family and I am very excited. So in the spirit of giving all thanks here is a small list of things that I am truly grateful for this year.
1. My family...they give me so much support and strength.
2. My friends...they keep me laughing and keep me grounded.
3. My sister....(I know she's techniqually family AND friend, but I'm so incredibly thankful that she is in my life)
4. Books....weird maybe...but they bring such happiness to my life...so on that note...being able to read as well!
5. My job....I have a great job and a stable job.
6. My health....something I think many of us take for granted.
7. Football! (And the Colts beating the Patriots and being 10-0 so far)
8. The snow....though I haven't seen any yet....ahh the little things.
9. My education...I'm grateful I have the opportunity and drive.
10. Music...especially lately The Beatles...so much emotion...so much poetry....so much art.
And so, as we eat too much turkey and too much pie and watch and hopefully play a little football, may we always be reminded of the blessings that daily grace our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving!