Is exactly what I am NOT doing. About 6 weeks ago I started working nights. I was quite apprehensive because if you know me at all you know I am absolutely NOT a night person. I get up at 5am every day and go to bed at 10, it's how I've always been, I believe it's how I will always be. So it was no surprise to me when I began to work nights that my already disastrous sleeping habits took a turn for the worse. To my surprise staying awake all night was not the difficult part of the equation, it was the sleeping at 7am part that threw me for a loop, and now the sleeping during normal hours is proving to be problematic as well. If you can do simple math you just calculated that there isn't another option....yes....I have apparently (please excuse the "Twilight" reference) become a vampire and do not need to sleep, at least that is what I am currently experiencing. On average I'm getting about 3-4 hours of sleep in any given 24 hour period, sometimes in 48. I am struggling to sleep during the day, my mind and body just will not let me, and now I'm finding it difficult to sleep during the night because that same body and mind now believe they are supposed to be awake during those hours. So what's a girl to do? I have no ideas on how to improve the sleep, I have however found several things to do at 3am when NOT sleeping.
- Read....classic
- Watch the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice
- Watch the extended versions of Lord of the Rings
- Go to Wal-mart
- Update my Facebook status....every hour....
- Personal Skip-It challenge
- Catch up on episodes of HOUSE and NCIS that I missed that week
- Resist the temptation to text those who are normal and actually sleeping
- Beat brick-breaker on my Blackberry
- Plan my wardrobe for the next 7 days
I start nights in a couple weeks. I am worried I am going to be the exact way. I have been going to bed at 9 and waking up at 4 since I got my job. Good luck! Hopefully you find your groove soon.