It hasn't even been a week and already my heart aches toreturn to Haiti. I'm certain this is in large part due to several things, one being that I was quickly thrown back into my life and "reality" as we call it so often, and secondly because I think I've fallen in love with the people of Haiti. It caught me by great surprise, this longing that I'm feeling. I did not feel it with such force when I returned last year, but this year, it hit me with a ton of bricks. Maybe it's the feeling I get as I lose myself in serving them, maybe it's their spirit and their faith, maybe it was the sun! All I know is I can't wait to go back. So while it's fresh in my mind, here are a few of my favorite pictures and a list of those things I learned while I was in Haiti!.
*Pamprin is just Naproxen
*You can get constipation as well as diarrhea while in a third world country
*Toothpaste has an expiration date
*People are strong: The body may break easy, the Spirit endures
*Roosters are a worthless animal
*Tricks to bartering effectively
*Fanny packs are in fact cool; in that "I'm camping, saving the world" sort of way
*Miracles Happen
*You can be pregnant for 2 years
*Work hard, play hard
*When you give, you do in fact, receive
Hey! I love the picture of you at the top. I looks like such a neat experience. I hope one day that I can go somewhere where I can be cool enough to wear a fanny pack and save the world. I am sad we never got to work as nurses together. I miss you and the 7th floor. -Emily
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. Thank you for sharing with us!