March 1, 2013 Friday
Place: Montrious (prounounced Mo-wee)
Time: 11:07 pm
Song: Friends-The Band of Skulls
Today was glorious.
We awoke as usual, had a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs and fresh
fruit then loaded a bus, yes bus-there are 24 of us including our interpreters,
headed for Montrious (Mo-wee). We
arrived at the Work of Art Orphanage at around 9:30am. I believe I’ve spoken of this orphanage
before. This is the third year
we’ve come to this particular orphanage and done this particular work. This orphanage houses children and
caretakers and to raise funds they paint.
The teachers and instructors teach the children to paint. They’re paintings are very beautiful
and fun. So we arrive this morning
to complete well children checks on the children in the orphanage as well as
see the workers and caregivers. We
treat any illnesses we find and leave vitamins and various supplies with them. Lots of ear infections this year. Our family medicine doc taught the
workers how to clean the ears regularly, especially after swimming. The children are overall healthy and
excited to see us. In about 2 1/2
hours we saw 34 kids and a few adults.
Pretty impressive. One woman came with her 3 month old baby girl. The baby only weighed about 10 lbs. The mother told us that she'd been hexed and that her milk had never come in as a result so all they had been giving the baby was juice. Voodoo is a a very real religion to these people and they truly believe it. We gave her about a month to two months worth of formula and taught her some nutritional information for the baby.

Then it
was off for some every important mental recuperation.
After working very hard all week, we hit the beach.
We arrive at Club Indigo.
It used to be an old club med back in
like the 70’s.
It’s not your
average 4-star, but it’s comfortable and the water is actually warm! As I
lounge by the pool getting my tan on they play oldies like Frankie Valley and
the Four Seasons.
Makes me think
of dirty dancing actually haha.
But don’t fret, as my luck would dictate, I did not
meet with a Johnny Castle type.
The sun feels magnificent on my skin.
I let myself relax and soak it all
We have wonderful afternoon
lounging by the pool, playing in the ocean, sipping pina coladas, and teaching
our interpreters to swim.
Most of
our interpreters grew up in and around Port-Au-Prince and have never had the
opportunity to learn to swim.
of them are actually a bit scared of the water.
They do well though.
They’re hilarious actually.
By dinner time we’re all
starving, as we haven’t eaten since breakfast. The food isn’t too shabby. We eat, joke, and laugh for 3 full hours. I wish I could recreate the atmosphere
and conversation we had that night.
It was incredible.
Hilarious may be the better word for it. We spent the better part of the 3 hours joking about various
things that have happened on the trip, funny things people have said, and just
telling stories. Not only this but
one of the other nurses on the trip, Jessica, keeps filling all our water
glasses from the picture. It
becomes a game, we keep drinking, and drinking, and drinking, trying to see if
someone will break and go to the bathroom. And they keep refilling our water picture. We must have drank somewhere between 12
and 15 of them. Sad part? None of
us had to get up and pee, we were all that dehydrated. I’ve loved every trip
I’ve been on and the people that I’ve been on them with. I’ve always tried to have fun. But I have to say, maybe it’s just
because I’ve really needed it and really made the effort, but I have laughed so
hard on this trip. I don’t believe
I’ve laughed harder on any other.

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