Tonight a small chapter of my life will write its' final words. Tonight is the final episode of ER. I have been watching ER since it first aired in 1994. Yes, you read that right, this show has been a part of my life for 15 years. I was 10 going on 11 years old when I started watching with my daddy, and here I am, 25 and saying goodbye to Country General. If someone were to ask me why I became a nurse, I would wittingly reply, "Dr. Ross and Dr. Carter." While each individual character has had a special place in my heart and can evoke any number of memories, it is these two doctors that will always bring a smile to my face. Dr. Ross with his bad-boy antics will always make my heart skip a beat and Dr. Carter with his innocence and slightly geeky smile will always bring butterflies to my stomach. The adrenaline rush I feel while watching the drama in the ER unfold is nothing short of watching a highly intense soccer match. And so, I cannot help but feel a deep sadness wash over me as I prepare to say goodbye to what has become a small part of who I am. Farewell Country General, may your Epi and crash cart filled drama continue for years to come!

Oohh. You almost made me cry again. Way to go T...