If this is too "Julie and Julia" for you, that is not the intention and I can assure it will not be a regular occurrence! I have, however, decided it would be quite the beneficial skill if I could actually cook. Believe me, I can not cook. Seriously, ask my sister. So, in the name of trying new things, I shall attempt to cook. Tonight I attempted a recipe I found in a 30-minute meals book. It was "Chicken Basalmic and Orange Rice Pilaf with a vegetable medley." I chose this one because it appeared to be somewhat simple while including a few things I stay very far away from...spices...they scare the hell out of me! Well, it was an enjoyable experience, and while it was not up to Rachel Ray and Bobby Flay standards, it was edible! But what I'd really like to share are a couple of cooking tips that you will not find in any cookbook.
- Do not wear any clothing you were actually planning on wearing after you have finished cooking this meal.
- Attempting to cook for one, will inevitably yield at least 4 nights of leftovers.
- 30-minute meals take 1 hour, at least.
- DO NOT under any circumstances add that last pinch of garlic you think you need, trust me, you don't need it!
- Multi-tasking will not allow me to cook multiple dishes at once, but will allow me to keep a kitchen spotless while cooking one single dish.
- I still don't know how in the hell you mince garlic.