HOLA! I have officially returned from the land of the lost......Yes my friends, I am done with school!!!!! Not forever, but I can officially become a Registered Nurse. It feels quite surreal thus far. As most of you know, it's been a long road for me, filled with several years of difficult events and school performances that I would love nothing more than to forget all together, but as with most life experiences, you learn and grow greatly from them. I do have a great feeling of accomplishment and am excited to embark on this new chapter in my life. I am almost at a loss as to what to do with myself and this new found immense amount of free time. I have given it a great deal of thought though and have come up with this....
- READ....I have tried to continue to do my favorite thing in the whole world throughout school, but it definitely takes a back seat.... a few on the list thus far are.... "Great Expectations," "Twelfth Night, or What You Will," "The Time Traveler's Wife," The Counte of Monte Cristo," and "Les Miserables" all of which are some of my favorites that I have already read but want to revist....obviously followed by or accompanied by many many others!
- Music....Listen to, explore, and experience much more than I have been able to!
- Watch Football on Sunday! (And go to church of course) because I will no longer have to work every Sunday, only every third! Hola Peyton!
- Learn to cook....relatively speaking of course. And when I say learn, I really mean it! My cooking skills are almost non-existent and should definitely be refined
- CLEAN! I love to clean (yes I am a freak like that) and a few areas of my life have taken a back seat so I am going to thoroughly clean...My room....My Jeep...and My apartment!
- Spend more time with my family and friends. The social scene has not been my friend these past oh, say 5 years! I intend on spending much more time with my parents, my sister, and my friends!
- Travel....I love to travel! Two on top of the list are Portland/Seattle-to have fun and see my brother/sister-in-law/adorable nieces and New York City with my amazing friend Emily-because we are that awesome!
- Spend more time outdoors....I'm pretty sure I have not seen the sun in approximately 5 years. My translucent skin can attest to that! I love being outdoors and am eager to spend more time there instead of my dark, dungeony apartment!
- Workout...I actually love to workout and have had minimal time to do so...until now!
- Sleep....I am quite certain that I am sleep deprived and will definitely be enjoying being able to get enough!
And there you go! And of course now that I have more time I will be keeping you updated on my awesome life! Untill then! Peace out!
Yeah!! I am so excited for you. I miss being at the hospital and everyone there, you know bedbaths and all. You will be a rocking RN
ReplyDeleteAs soon as boards are over we are going to plan NYC........ !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI miss you. That could be borderline creepy but don't take it that way. I'm glad you updated and we need froyo soon!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is #7. :) ...and NYC is just that AWESOME.