I hate my birthday. No disrespect to my mother because I think she feels badly when I say this, but I do. And at almost 28 years old I have failed to become more mature about it, stemming from, I believe, a deep seeded need that was unfulfilled during my childhood. My birthday is the 26th of December, yes the very day after Christmas. Do not misunderstand me, I love Christmas time, very much indeed but with this love comes also a deep disappointment with the day after, consequently the day of my birth. From when I was very young I never understood why I could not have parties on my birthday like all of the other kids. Why couldn't my friends come over and why couldn't we have a pool party? As I became older this was replaced by a deep frustration with the "Oh Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday" gift. I get you two separate gifts, I deserve that as well! I feel more as an after-thought to most, "Oh yeah it was your birthday like a week ago right? Happy Birthday." So when someone makes a valiant effort to remember my birthday it makes me very happy indeed. My friend Jessica did just that last night. She put together a little party in my honor. Nothing big or extravagant but nice and simple which suits me just fine. She took the time to remember and that is fantastic. Not only did she make the effort to learn that I dislike cake but LOVE cheesecake and so had one of those for dessert but she also got me a gift. :D She got me some bamboo!
I have been wanting some bamboo. Strange I know, but I have. I like all things Asian very much! So Jessica went to the Asian store (that is actually what it is called) and got me some bamboo! I'm very excited about this. Let's just hope that I am able to keep it alive! I've never been very good at keeping things alive, well other than people I suppose, I mean I am a nurse after all. So here's to a great 28th and hopefully by the 29th some flourishing bamboo.
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