Friday, February 22, 2013

Alice in Wonderland

I'm going on an Adventure! Well, I've been on this adventure before, but each year brings with it new experiences, new friends, and new ideas; it is always an adventure, and I'm excited every time I go.

Time: 1:06 (Florida time, which I believe is more commonly referred to as Eastern Standard Time)
Place: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Song: Yellow Submarine-The Beatles

My flight arrived in Ft. Lauderdale around midnight and my flight out to Port-Au-Prince does not leave until 6:15am, so I thought I'd get these creative juices going.  As I mentioned, this is my fourth trip to Haiti.  My first year was, I'll fully admit, a complete shock and so far outside of my comfort zone that I don't believe I've ever recovered.  But I keep coming back, so something must have happened to, and stuck with, this quiet, introverted, self-conscious Wyoming girl.  I can't resist the pull.  I can't resist the temptation to leave myself and my problems far far away.  When it comes down to it, I simply love these people.  I love their culture, their spirit, the light I find in their eyes and when I realize they are truly happy with the things that really matter in this life.  And I love coming to serve them.  Losing myself in this work.

Things I'm excited for....
1. Fresh Fruit
2. The sun....and the heat....and the moisture (my skin is begging for it)
3. The beach
4. Listening to Creole
5. These cute smiles....

Things that I've had to resign myself to.....

1. I won't REALLY be clean for about 2 weeks.
2. I won't take a hot shower for about 2 weeks.
3. My hair won't look cute (does it ever really?) for 2 weeks.
4. Even though I don't really like it, I'll end up craving pizza just because I can't get it.

Those are all worth it though.

So to end this post I pose a question: If you were on a deserted island and could have with you one person, one album, and one book, what would they be?  I'll give you my answers the next time I write ;)

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